Our School Vision
As a church school, our vision is for each child to have a love of learning, hope, confidence, wisdom and respect for all.
Life in all its fullness John 10:10
We reflect our vision and values through our principles for teaching and learning which provide our aims for all children at St Peter’s.
Our principles for learning at St Peter’s Brafferton:
- Every child succeeds: we provide an inclusive education within a culture of support and high expectations; make every child feel valued and secure, raise aspirations and achievement; involve parents
- Build upon what learners know: Structure and pace teaching so that pupils know what is to be learnt and how, set clear learning goals, make each learning experience count.
- Make learning vivid and real: Develop understanding through enquiry, creativity, use of new technologies, and thinking skills; make learning relevant and purposeful.
- Make learning enjoyable and challenging experience: Stimulate learning through ensuring teaching techniques and strategies respond to the needs of pupils, make creative use of learning opportunities appropriate to the material to be learned.
- Enrich the learning experience: create an effective environment for learning, infuse learning skills across a broad curriculum, use a variety of learning experiences and the environment, foster curiosity, creativity and imagination.
- Promote assessment for learning: Make children active partners in their learning, share learning intentions, use success criteria, encourage reflection and evaluation and use effective feedback strategies which identifies next steps in learning for improvement.
- Develop learning skills and personal qualities: Develop confidence, self-discipline and an understanding of the learning process; create effective, enthusiastic and independent learners.