Thinking Circles
Once a half term, the whole school get together in ‘thinking circles’ to explore and idea and vote for what they would like to change. Year 5/6’s lead the group discussion and encourage everyone to share their ideas. Previous thinking circles have been around ‘How can we make playtimes more fun?’ and ‘What should we have on our Proud to be St Peter’s Pledge?’
Eco Club
Our ‘Eco Club’ are incredibly proud of our school – but also of the world we live in.
They meet regularly with Mrs Knock and monitor how environmentally friendly we are as a school. As well as monitoring in school, they are also committed to making a difference to the wider world.
They implement actions from their ‘Eco Action Plan’ and are working towards an Eco Award!
Please see Mrs Knock for more information about Eco Club.
Our librarians are pivotal to the smooth running of our whole school library. They run a Friday lunchtime club with Mrs Lott to promote reading across school by sharing new books, holding weekly story time sessions with younger pupils and help log/return books.
They also help organise whole school events such as World Book Day!
Please see Mrs Lott if you would like more information about the Library Club.
Digital Leaders
In Year 4/5/6 we have a rota of digital leaders to promote online safety, support classes in Computing lessons, run lunchtime clubs and help organise IT resources around school.
Our digital leaders are valued across school and have a shared ethos of keeping everyone safe online!
Playtime Leaders
Our Year 4/5/6 children choose to be a playtime leader and operate on a rota system to lead games at playtimes and bring equipment outside. This year we have enjoyed being fully trained as Playtime Leaders by Mr Burgess from Thirsk High School.