At St Peter’s Brafferton CE VA Primary School, we offer an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum, where every subject is taught, and pupils make progression through knowledge and skills. Our curriculum is deeply rooted in our Christian vision and values and is taught through four key strands: hope, confidence, wisdom, and respect for all.

Our curriculum:
- Is ambitious and embedded through our key strands
- develops a love of learning
- Provides all children with the opportunities to develop the knowledge and cultural capital needed to succeed
- Develops character, skills, critical thinking and leadership opportunities
- Encourages questioning, debate and exploration of World issues
- Provides children with the chance to experience wider learning opportunities
- Supports the implementation of our school’s vision
We implement our curriculum by:
- Our staff access training and support so that they have the relevant skills and knowledge to deliver the curriculum
- There is a focus on knowledge and progression with regular checks on learning and progress
- Knowledge and understanding is evaluated through on-going assessment
- Units of learning focus on strands that build on prior learning
- All areas of the curriculum widen pupil reading and their skills in this
Everyone at St Peter’s is fully invested in ensuring every child succeeds and achieves their potential. Our mission is that EVERY pupil leaves St Peter’s with a wealth of knowledge or skills that they can use in the next stage of their education, as well as being kind, caring and inquisitive individuals.
The impact of our curriculum is that:
- Pupils meet age related expectations in the wider curriculum and core subjects.
- Pupils are able to share their knowledge and skills with the local and wider community.
- All pupil groups, including vulnerable learners, make good progress.
We are proud that our curriculum is also enhanced with our ‘Proud to be St Peter’s Pledge’ -25 things to do before you leave Year 6. All pupils collaborated to create a list of curriculum enhancements and life skills they wanted to achieve!