A key aspect of our curriculum is the enrichment opportunities offered to our children. Our curriculum is built on with these wider opportunities and we believe our children are more enthusiastic and engaged learners because of this.
Residential visits
East Barnby for Year 5/6 (alternate visits)
Visits and Visitors
We organise History, RE and Science visitors into school every year.
We ensure each class gets a trip linked to their learning. This year Class 1 have enjoyed Harlow Carr (linked to Science and Geography); Class 3 have enjoyed a visit a Roman Day at Murton Park (linked to History) and Year 1-6 a visit to Bradford to visit a Hindu Temple and Mosque (RE trip).
Local artist
We organise visits from local artists including a local artist from Henshaws and we have an upcoming art screen printing day for the whole school.
Dance, Drama and Music
We always have a range of musicians and workshops to enhance the children’s learning in music and sports coaches throughout the year to enhance our PE. The children have enjoyed Skip2Bfit sessions and a climbing wall to visit school.