Forest Schools

We value the importance of regular Forest School sessions for all our children. The benefits of these sessions from Early Years to the end of Primary School are:

Heathier bodies

  • increased frequency of physical exercise
  • a challenging environment that helps to develop motor skills
  • fresh open air allows dispersal of viruses
  • learning to prepare and cook healthy food

Healthier minds

  • space and resources are naturally available, allowing individuals or groups to investigate and problem solve
  • an opportunity to be sociable and also to have time alone
    time to just be, where individuals can relax and explore interests
    personal motivation
  • a willingness to try new tasks
  • the ability to persist at tasks increases

Healthier environment

  • an understanding & appreciation of the natural environment through experience
  • knowledge of how systems interlink, and how we affect our surroundings
  • spending time in the environment and using it to play and learn effects us at a deep level
  • this connection with nature opens us up to care more for the environment as adults

Healthier future

  • many of the skills that develop as a result of spending time at a Forest School are essential life skills that in time will benefit the economy
  • children develop determination to complete tasks and manage risk
  • they learn to work together as a team communicating effectively
  • the environment stimulates the use of descriptive language, mathematical problem solving, calculating and taking acceptable risks, working towards personal reward

Taken from

Forest school at St Peter’s Brafferton CE VA Primary School

Children take part in Forest School sessions each week for a half term block that start with a ‘spark’, a game or activity linked to a theme, skill or an identified area of the curriculum.

Children then explore in their own self-initiated activities, develop skills such as tool use and finally come together at the end of each session to share a campfire snack and reflect on what they have experienced, achieved, tried or improved.

The first sessions for children new to Forest School focus on establishing boundaries and routines and developing an environment of trust. Children come together to explore, communicate and work together. How the children respond to the sessions influences future sessions as they follow their interests and ideas and take ownership of what happens.