Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

Spiritual development is concerned with developing the non-material aspects of life, focusing on personal insight, values, meaning and purpose. Beliefs that help provide perspective on life may be rooted in a religion, but equally may not. Children explore the fundamental British Value of exploring and respecting the values and beliefs of others.

The Spiritual development of all our children is addressed through the Christian vision and values of the school. As a church school we address spiritual development through prayer, Christian worship, celebration of Christian festivals and learning about those of other faiths, reading and reflection on the Bible within Collective Worship, RE and across the wider curriculum.

We are committed to:

  • Celebrating the religious and non-religious beliefs and values that our pupils bring as part of their family/culture heritage and to building an awareness of and respect for others’ spiritual and religious beliefs
  • Fostering common human values and building spiritual capacities to promote self-worth
  • Self-esteem and valuing others
  • Helping our pupils to come to an understanding of themselves as unique individuals and encouraging them to reflect on “big questions”
  • Developing our pupils’ curiosity, imagination, creativity and promoting a lifelong love of learning.

Moral development

Moral development is about knowing what is right and wrong and acting on it accordingly. Moral development is about personal and societal values, understanding the reasons for them and airing and understanding disagreements. This is embedded throughout the school community.

We are committed to:

  • Be truthful and honest
  • Respect the rights and property of others, their opinions and customs, even when they are different from our own
  • Help others
  • Solve differences of opinion in non-violent ways using the principles of restorative practice.

Social development

Social development shows pupils working together effectively, relating well to adults and participating in the local community.  It also includes the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

We are committed to:

  • Fostering the skill and qualities of team building through the development of self-confidence, co-operation, sensitivity to others, reliability, initiative and understanding
  • Providing an environment where pupils can take responsibility for themselves and others in school and the wider society
  • Teaching the Equalities Act throughout our curriculum.

Cultural development

Cultural development shows pupils understanding and feeling comfortable in a variety of cultures and experiencing a range of cultural activities (art, theatre, travel, concerts). Children develop the fundamental British Value of exploring, understanding and tolerance regarding the diversity of cultural traditions and beliefs of others.

We value and celebrate the cultural diversity of our school, our society and the world by:

  • Promoting an appreciation of our own cultural tradition/s and encouraging an appreciation of other peoples’ cultural traditions
  • Celebrating the richness of culture and tradition.
  • Weaving global education themes through our curriculum.